Most businesses nowadays have some sort of electronic data that they need to get rid of eventually. Whether it’s outdated files, unwanted customer information, or simply taking up space on a hard drive, this data needs to be destroyed in a secure way to protect both the business and the customer. That’s where Off-site Electronic Shredding comes in. We pick up your electronic data and destroy it at our facility, ensuring that it can never be accessed or used again. This is a secure and efficient way to get rid of unwanted electronic data, and it’s a service that we’re proud to offer.
If you’re looking for a way to securely shred your sensitive documents, look no further than Off-site Electronic Shredding. We offer on-site and off-site document destruction services that are reliable and affordable. Our state-of-the-art equipment can shred your documents into tiny pieces, making them impossible to reconstruct. We also offer a pick-up service for your convenience.
- Items based on serial numbers are counted, classified, and accounted for to make sure that a record-keeping chain of custody is maintained.
- Record all serial numbers of items processed or destroyed for audit and accountability purposes.
- Load all data-based devices to be securely transported to the Atlantic Shredding GPS-trackable truck or van.
Benefits of using Off-site Electronic Shredding include:
- Security – We use the latest in shredding technology to ensure that your data devices are destroyed beyond reconstruction.
- Convenience – We offer a pick-up service for your convenience.
- Affordability – Our services are competitively priced.